So, I sliced them in half and placed them, cut side down, on an aluminum foil wrapped cookie sheet. Then I sprinkled them with a little salt and put them in my oven, set on the lowest temperature possible (170 degrees). One thing I love about my oven the the timer, which you can set to turn off the oven after the time is reached. So, I set it on 6 hours and happily went to bed.

This morning, the tomatoes were shriveled and very fragrant. I let them cool completely and then packed them in a jar, covered with some very good olive oil. I really can't wait to make some pasta with them, or toss them on a salad.

You're good. I wouldn't have thought about doing anything but sighing disgustedly and tossing them out.
Christ, you are a genius. I would have thrown them in a plastic sack, knotted the ties, then gone about my life being the wasteful no-gooder I so obviously am.
For real, this is a great blog. I hope you chop Rachael Ray's head off and toss it with EVOO, just for fun.
Haaaaa! Oh my, that's quite a visual to produce, Heather.
Hello. Your site is amazing! How long would the tomatoes last?
Covered in olive oil and refrigerated, they last quite a while. I used some just a few days ago and they still tasted great. Thanks!
Thanks much!
Tomato pesto is so in your future!
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